Google and Greg

Ok, every now and then I search for ‘Greg’ in Google, just to see where I am.  Today I’m up to #40, behind sites like Dharma & Greg and Greg the Bunny.  :-)  But the one that caught my eye was #43, which was for Greg Ray.  He is an IRL driver (a pretty famous one), and in his bio it says:

First racing experience
Drove a spec racer at SCCA driver’s school, Denver, Colorado in September 1991. 

He raced with LaRue Motorsports, which is the company I currently race with.  The LaRue’s have two daughters, named Nikki (now 21) and Michelle (16), who work on the cars along with their parents.  They have a picture on their site of Nikki and Michelle with Greg Ray, way back when he was racing the Spec Racer Fords.  Very cool!  Small world.  :-)

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