The time I met Dave Winer

Ted posted a few days ago about how he met Dave Winer last week:

As I mentioned in my blog last week, I briefly met Dave Winer at OSCON last week. I have to admit being a little nervous about it, because I offended Dave earlier in a thoughtless way. But Dave paid me about the best compliment that he could have: “Oh, yeah, I read your blog all the time”. [Ted Leung on the air]

I almost met Dave last week at the Applied XML Conference (which was excellent by the way – I might post more comments later). On the Friday of the conference, I figure I’ll introduce myself to him, since we’ve talked via email a couple of times but never met in person. So during a break between sessions, I wander over to him, and this is how it went:

Greg: “Hi, Dave, I’m Greg Rei…”

Dave: “Not now.” (doesn’t look up, but sticks hand up toward me, in “talk to the hand” style). “I’m writing.”

Greg: (thinking that’s strange, but ok…) “Ok, no pr…”

Dave: (hand up again) “I can’t, not now. Sorry. Sorry.”

Uh, yeah – whatever. I’m not sure, but I think this is what he was writing at the time. At least it was something important – heh.

6 thoughts on “The time I met Dave Winer

  1. Mark

    Ah yes, the “Don Park started this meme that Mark Pilgrim was a stalker so now I’m going to mention him in the same breath as a real stalker and hope that the association sticks in everyone’s mind” post. Not that Grohol is a stalker, mind you, although I’m sure Dave saw it that way. Whatever.

    Have you read Kevin Burton’s account? It’s hysterical.

  2. Myke Myers

    I’ve always been confused when someone is an asshole to one person and friendly to another, for no apparent reason. Is he an asshole or not? It’s a tough call.

    DW has celebrity status (at least among techies) which means that people impose on him often. I’m sure being Tiger Woods in public is a nightmare.

  3. Bill Kearney

    Impose on Dave? Oh puuuuuuuhhleeze! If anything people but forth tremendous energies just to have do just what Greg’s shown here; dismiss them because only his priorities reign.

    Now, in fairness, everyone sets their own priorities. What’s galling here is Dave nearly ever time turns the story around (through what are nearly flat-out lies) and makes the contributors look like the problem. It’s a classic narcissms trait.

  4. Dave Winer

    I was in the middle of writing something at the conf, sorry for being abrupt, I just subscribed to your feed. If you’re a programmer you must know what it’s like. I think I was working on the driver for Echo format. Not sure. Anyway I hope to talk with you next time.


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